Lil Adam
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Lil was born on 10th August in Wiluna, she grew up in various areas coming to Mandurah to live when her mother started running a tuckshop for the Hackett St. School, this venture did not last long and her mother then went to work for Keith & Stan Peron at the Corner Store (now Pronto’s). During this time Lil continued to be a weekly boarder at St.Josephs School in Pinjarra. Lil’s mother Araulia Bonomi. later came to work in Pinjarra at Shopper Rose and Lil discusses her early years working there and helping her mother.
Lil met her husband Roy Adam in Pinjarra and they continued to meet during the social life of the youth of the district which included both Pinjarra and Mandurah. The couple were married in 1955 and had 5 children, their son Wayne dying as a child from Leukaemia, Lil talks a little of this time. Their son Ward continues to farm the family property. Roy and Lil started their married life in the old ‘homestead’ which had few facilities and Lil talks a little about managing with no electricity, septic system and other household assistance. Later the couple built a new home and moved here within site of the old one and on the Murray Bend overlooking a lovely stretch of river.
Their children grew up in this house embracing all the water activities offered by living right alongside the river. The children continue to return with their children to enjoy the lifestyle. Lil and Roy have both been involved with many areas of the community including Fire Brigade, and harness racing and they continue to be involved with the latter.
Also discussed in these interviews were the indigenous families who lived and worked on the Adam family property, in particular the ladies who assisted Lil with her daily work.