Gloria Kearing

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Gloria Kearing was born in Pinjarra in 1953 she is twin to Jane Nannup and married to Theo Kearing. They have 4 children between them and Gloria has another 2 named Herbert. Gloria is the daughter of Joe and Dulcie Nannup and had 11 brothers and sisters. Growing up in Pinjarra is discussed as are her experiences at New Norcia Mission. The children experienced some racism at school which caused them to stay away and this is what led to them being taken away.
During this interview Gloria tells of food which was hunted and gathered as well as fishing. She mentions several families who her parents worked for including Roger’s family whose farm was near the Black Lake. Gloria talks about spirits from the country and tells a Widaarji story.
Gloria Kearing is an artist and during this recording she tells of her artwork which has been prepared for Quandong Park.